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Organische Chemie – Arbeitsgruppe Professor Dr. Frank Hahn

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Bioactive small molecules contribute in various ways to our current lifestyle and have application, for example, as agrochemicals, food additives, cosmetic additives or fragrances. They also play a central role in all areas of modern drug therapy like the treatment of infectious diseases, cancer or lifestyle diseases such as type 2 diabetes.

Natural products are a particularly important group of small molecules, which are produced by living organisms to fulfil diverse biological functions. Their unique binding affinity to inner-cellular targets and their evolutionary optimisation for biological function secure them an advantage compared to small molecules of purely synthetic origin. Therefore, they are perfectly suited to be part of sustainable future solutions in many fields.

This symposium aims at highlighting the science around natural products with an emphasis on their potential for drug development. Topics include synthetic method development and total synthesis, biosynthesis research, (bio)synthetic strategies to access molecules with pharmaceutical relevance and strategies for their optimised therapeutic application.

Five thematically broadly oriented talks will be complemented by presentations from local research groups. The symposium will serve as a platform for intensive discussions and interdisciplinary exchange. The event will also feature a poster session.

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